Heather learns at a very young age that she was attracted to playing music. Born blind She uses her storytelling skills and begins writing and performing her own music. Her lyrics are inspiring and healing. Listen to her journey from Alberta, Canada to Lima, Peru

00:00 Welcome to Leave Your Mark
00:22 Navigating Blindness and Social Expectations
02:14 Overcoming Barriers in Psychiatric Care
03:36 The Importance of Active Listening
05:29 Grace and Perseverance in Recovery

Join Vince on a journey filled with motivational and insightful stories that will empower you to take control of your mind and create positive changes in your life. You'll experience uplifting conversations, transformative wisdom, and the motivation you need to make a positive mark in your life. Vince's unique perspective and personal experiences will leave a lasting impact, encouraging you to embark on your own journey of growth and self-discovery.

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Vince Cortese, Author: My Story about Courage and Faith
Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise
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