In my darkest hour, I summoned the strength to write my tale of pain and resilience. Each word a plea for solace, weaving a emotional moment that motivated me to write this book and start a podcast about my life changing experience.
Joe has 35 years of experience working with business owners on 3 continents. His strategies and track record show the quality of his work. Listen as Joe shares the secrets to his training method and how to implement them. htt...
Claire has been diagnosed with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) rare cancer that has no survival rate the life expectancy is 9 to 12 months. She has been battling this for the past 2 yrs. Claire's father Terry and her...
Matthew shares his troubles with alcohol and drug addictions and performs at some of the largest Rock & Reggae events in the United States. The Rock n Roll lifestyle has changed him into the man he is today. Music videos by T...
Maxwell started losing his sight at age 4 by 16 he lost 100% of his vision. Max is not one to sit idle. He goes on to graduate from Texas A&M and winds up back in the family carnival business through the Mid-Way Market place ...
Margaret is born and raised in a cottage lake lifestyle, after a full career of teaching English to a busy Real estate agent Margaret has seen most of what life has to offer. While enjoying the life she's craved outy for her...
On June 19th, 2018 Kennith Allen Thomas life changed forever. His youngest son, Christian was born with down syndrome and was diagnosed with AMKL Leukemia. At the time they had no clue what to expect. Their little boy was onl...
Bill takes a family business to a whole other level after his father struct down with kidney disease and dies. As life moves forward Bill losses a number of family to kidney disease and now he is battling it too. Listen to h...
Tune in to Ari's journey from being the authority in Trust-Based Selling to Best Selling Author to world-renown speaker and trainer is extraordinary. However, his greatest joy and best piece of writing are inspired in the boo...
Robert became the oldest human to receive a full face transplant in a procedure at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in July 2019. His outlook on his accident and the experiences he has gone through are worth it all to Robert. Lis...
Dr. Chamie is a unique and very wise man. His skill level to put together a Dream Team 12-hour double operation is both imaginative and miraculous as a surgeon and visionary. His thoughts on the intention of the surgery are s...
Jay grows up in a typical mid-west culture playing hockey and his parents running a family business his world changes dramatically when his parents divorce and not soon after his brother commits suicide. Jay fighting to keep ...
A routine day of homeschooling in the Rhone house and Layla is missing. When JahVelle goes to see what the problem is Layla complains of hip pain and has a fever, with odd symptoms off to the hospital they go Layla's scan sh...
Heather learns at a very young age that she was attracted to playing music. Born blind She uses her storytelling skills and begins writing and performing her own music. Her lyrics are inspiring and healing. Listen to her jour...
Christain is a man with an impressive resume his accomplishments in his academics and athletics are big, but nothing compares to his heart. His humble mindset and genuine caring for his family and his community are touching. ...
While visiting friends out-of-state Jim blacks out and hits his head, he goes to the hospital and is diagnosed with a form of Leukemia that only 30% of adults survive from. His only chance at survival is a bone marrow transpl...
Just 9 months after marrying the love of his life Cory is diagnosed with a tumor the size of a football above his heart wrapping around his SVC artery-blocking blood flow to his heart was given less than 30 days to live. Supp...
Howard is a man that moves to the beat of his own drum. His father's influence and mother's approach created a trade school Graduate and man of countless degrees with intentions to solve some of our culture's biggest health i...
Alex intends on being a business tycoon and ends up getting a degree in education shortly thereafter finds out his mother has cancer and passes away. During her treatments suggests Alex should get checked for cancer and find ...
Cedek is a modern-day renaissance man, poet, and music producer. Known for his artistic skills and ability to build a life of inspiration through his music and creativity. His world crashes down when he is diagnosed with bra...
Chuck has a serious bout with cancer and during his treatments, he's told about a fellow cancer patient Hannah and their healing becomes a love story. They exemplify the mindset and behavior of superheroes when dealing with t...
A strong, and educated young woman, Fiona's friend and mentor Bandile encourages her to start a podcast. Little does she know it plays a much bigger role than helping women be stronger together (podcast-Ladies Checking in). ...
Influenced in her youth by her mother's creativity turns to fashion and photography in her adult years. Her world takes a big change when she moves from the UK to Dubai and even a bigger change when she decides to see her pri...
Eric finds out he has cancer and his approach to addressing it is swift and courageous. He experiences a change in mindset from his cancer his marriage and relationships and newfound toughness for the will to live. Support th...
John is a class act and an excellent coach he shares his humble childhood upbringing and influences in his life. Being a coach was revealed to him early in life listen to what he did to stoke the fire of desire. Support the s...